Fishing: information and licences


For fishing lovers or for those who want to enjoy something new during their stay on Lake Garda: we share with you some useful information about fishing licences and related payments.

For minors under 18 years old and over 70 years old, resident in Veneto, no payment is required. Fishing is exercised with only an identity document.

Italian citizens resident abroad can fish in the same way as residents in Veneto (art. 9 paragraph 1 - with the payment of € 34,00 together with a valid identity document).

Foreign fishermen resident abroad can practice amateur fishing if they are in possession of the certificate of payment of the € 13,00 concession fee for the type D fishing licence. The payment is valid for 3 months and must be shown together with an identity document.

Temporary amateur fishing permits are also issued for one-day or one-week tourist fishing for Italian and foreign citizens. These permits are issued against payment and cost € 8.00 for a single day or € 20.00 for a week.

Permits can be conveniently paid for online, click here.

For more information and further details, click here.


At the Reception you can rent our comfortable fishing canoes at a cost of €20.00 for 6 hours.

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