Peschiera del Garda

Public transport: timetables and useful info


From San Benedetto Camping Relais it is really easy to travel by public transport, to reach the beautiful nearby towns, the city centre of Peschiera del Garda, the surroundings of our lake and the Garda hinterland, the most beautiful attractions in the area, and much more.

The San Benedetto B stop is 200 metres from our entrance.

This is where the 26 Arriva line for Verona/Brescia and the 483 ATV line for Malcesine passes, with which you can reach the nearby towns on the Brescia side of the lake, such as Sirmione, or the city centre of Peschiera, from where you can then leave by train for nearby towns, such as Verona and Venice, by ferry to go around the lake and visit the various characteristic towns, or by suburban bus for the hinterland and the Verona side of the lake, such as the 164 ATV line.

Orari linea 26 Arriva Verona/Brescia

Orari linea 483 Malcesine

Orari e biglietti Navigarda

Orari e biglietti Trenitalia


How to buy tickets

We recommend downloading the Arriva MyPay and Ticket Bus Verona app for ATVs, where you can buy your ticket as and when you want, completely independently.


Useful additional info

For the summer, the 164 ATV line, which passes through the Peschiera del Garda train station, will undergo a stop variation. Specifically, transit from the station will be suspended, providing the nearby ‘Peschiera Bivio Stazione’ stop about 200 metres away as an alternative.

In addition, in order to avoid long stops, delays and traffic congestion, tickets cannot be sold on board by the driver at the Peschiera stops. It is therefore necessary to obtain a ticket in advance.

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